Clinical Negligence in Histopathology

Dr David Poller provides medical reports and opinions in Histopathology & Cytopathology in the fields of thyroid, gastrointestinal, and breast histopathology & cytopathology for clinical negligence claims in the UK and Ireland subject to his terms of engagement.
He has a specialist interest in the histopathology, cytopathology & treatment of thyroid, breast and gastrointestinal cancer
Dr Poller is listed in Dr Chris Pamphlin’s UK Register of Expert Witnesses and has provided written evidence in many clinical negligence cases falling within his area of expertise in both the UK and in Ireland.
Address for medico-legal enquiries:
c/o Mrs Lesley Jervis
Department of Pathology
Queen Alexandra Hospital
Cosham, Portsmouth, PO6 3LY, UK
e-mail address for contact please
